Are you being honest with yourself at work?

Are you being honest with yourself at work?

The Easter break has come and gone. 4 days of relaxing or maybe you got away on a nice trip.
Here in Oz it was followed by a long weekend so maybe you might have been one of the lucky ones
Who managed to turn it into a 10 holiday? The majority of people will come back to work feeling refreshed, and the batteries will have been recharged. Some will even look forward to getting back into the work place having set new goals and challenges for themselves

However for a lot of people around this time of year they will lapse back into old routines and mindsets. Sure as night follows the day all the promises we made to ourselves quickly fall to the wayside. That feeling of dread on Sunday night leading into Monday becomes a weekly event rather than every so often. Let’s be honest we would all rather an extra day to do the things that we love.
So how do we know when it’s time to move in on our careers?

Maybe now you have reached the end of the road in your position. The learning curve that was once a steep hill has now plateaued, and you are going through the motions on daily basis. No longer does the job challenge and push you. Some research has shown that within 3 years most people master their role (Source ) changing roles could invariably reset the whole cycle again. Giving you a fresher outlook and approaching your career with extra vitality.

Now is the time to re orientate your career goals. Set new ones and create new challenges. Look at new roles in your current industry or maybe a complete change of direction to learn a new skill. It may also provide the opportunity to increase your earning power. Your skill maybe more valuable in another organisation. You may even have the urge to get out and work for yourself.

Other benefits may not stand out immediately, obviously none of us like changing our habits. We grow comfortable in our routines. Going to the same coffee shop every morning, the guy behind the counter knowing exactly what you want for lunch. All these little things have their own benefits. However wouldn’t it be great to meet a whole new circle of people? Isn’t there something exciting about changing or opening a new chapter in your life?

They key to making life changing decisions like this is your attitude and your expectations. What way you choose to see the situation. Two people can look at the same scenario and have radically different views. One will see opportunity, the other will see road blocks. If your attitude is positive it is highly likely you will have higher expectations. If your expectations are high its likely your attitude is good. So while you sit in a job that’s having a negative effect on you, it’s imperative that you have look at yourself and ask is it my attitude that’s the problem? Am I reaching and satisfying my own expectations? And if not what can I do about this.