Did you know there are over 100 million cells in your gut? the same cells that are in your brain.
This group of cells are commonly referred to as our Second Brain.
The Second Brain does not do a lot of complex thinking but it does get on with the essential daily grind involved in digesting food, helping to break down our food and begin extracting the nutrients and vitamins we need.
Our second brain is connected to our main brain through a group of nerves known as the vagus nerves, these influence our emotional state. For instance when we experience “butterflies in the stomach”, this really is the brain in the stomach talking to the brain in your head. As we get nervous or fearful, blood gets diverted from our gut to our muscles and this is the stomach’s way of protesting.
Dopamine a chemical in the body that’s associated with pleasure and reward has as many molecules in the gut as it does in the brain.
Your gut has 95% of your entire bodies Serotonin, this “feel good chemical” is associated with preventing depression and regulating sleep.
Stimulating the gut has been shown to be an effective treatment for chronic depression.(The British Journal of Psychiatry, vol 189, p 282).
This also would explain why fatty foods make us feel good
A lot of the messages the gut sends to the brain affects our well-being and emotional states. Most people tend to recognise their “gut feeling”, and while the brain controls our flight or fight response, it is most certainly influenced by the brain.
So what has all this got to do with my Coaching?
Well it’s my belief that if we make an effort to look after our second brain, the primary one will follow. This means creating better eating habits, choosing better lifestyles. Getting regular sleep. Increasing the amount of excercise we do
All of these things can help us create the feel good factor we crave so much.
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