We are living in a rapidly fast changing technological age. Today’s latest phone, is tomorrow’s latest casualty. iPhone, iPad, Phablet and laptops all keep us connected to the super information highway. Rapid access to the internet at our finger tips. Giving us all the knowledge and answers that we could ever want.
The latest news on our favourite celebrities and sports stars at the touch of a button. More information than you would ever know what to do with, downloaded in minutes. Newspapers, Blogs, Movies, Music, all uploaded and downloaded. News, Politics, Sports, Gossip, lifestyle, basically everything you could want to know in a lifetime
The internet has become an extension of ourselves. Look around in the mornings, people from all walks of life. The train carriage, the bus, the guy sitting in his car. The girl walking down the street, all of them with their heads buried in their devices, with not a care in the world for what’s going on around them
What if it was all taken away from us, even for a few hours? What would it be like? Ask your Parents, Grandparents, and no you can’t Google it.
First thing you will notice is how much extra time you have. No emails, no social media. Yes maybe it won’t be as interesting but at least you will have a lot more free time. Time to do the things you’ve always wanted to do. Things that you have put off a 100 times. Read that new book, write that novel, do that cooking course at the local college. Interact more with your family and friends. Really listen to the conversation, instead of having your head buried in your phone. Be more productive with your time and day.
I’ve worked in the IT industry and I personally think that the internet and smartphones make our lives easier for the most part but not better. I have seen some studies that compare societies overall happiness at various points in time. Life is easier now in many ways but we as a society were much happier before the internet and mobile phones. I am not saying that the internet and mobile phones are the main reason but they do add to the anti-social hectic pace we lead
This is not to say we should give up using the internet. It’s an amazing tool, I wouldn’t have uploaded this blog and you wouldn’t have read it without the miracle that is the web. I’m merely pointing out that when people say they don’t have time, or I can’t do that, or how will I fit that in, they should sit down and really analyse how they utilise their day.
Give it a go even if it’s only for an hour a day. I’m 100% you will accomplish more in your life