Do you want to be a Spaceman?

Do you want to be a Spaceman?

Growing up what did you dream of becoming? For me it was to play football. For some it’s to sing, for others it might have been to act. You might have even wanted to be the next head of state. As a child your dreams had no limits, you were creator of your dreams, they never seemed too big or out of your reach.

Dreams can take a long time to build and create, but as adults we can destroy them in seconds. As we get older life seems to have a funny way of diluting those dreams. Looking back at growing up and the aspirations I had when I was child, I compared them to the dreams I have now. The dreams I have now are equally as outlandish what’s changed has quickly I write them off and that needs to change!

So how do you keep your dreams intact? No matter how big they seem you never know where they might take you. A 6 month round the world ticket has turned into living in Sydney. I’d have told you were to go at 21, if you told me I wouldn’t be living in Dublin when I left my twenties. It got me thinking, how do you make those dreams come through that really inspire you? The ones that make you want to go that extra mile. Cue whatever other cliché you can think of, use this to motivate you.

The single most important thing is that you really believe that you can make dreams happen. How can I turn the improbable into the probable? Start off with small steps, you don’t want to try anything to major at the start, this might discourage you from moving forward. Create good habits, this breeds a winning type of mentality. Surround yourself with supportive people. Don’t allow others to discourage you, while they might have good intentions they won’t be helping you.

Inevitably it won’t be plain sailing, your ship will sail into choppy waters. How you navigate this period that will define not only your dreams, but you as a person. It helps if you can be fluid, changing course as you sail. What you started off wanting at the start may not be what you finish up with wanting. Don’t wait for the stars to align, you will be forever waiting for the right time. Get your dream moving ASAP. Something that’s holding you back now might shift before you know it.

My point is even later in life it is good to dream. Aim high. Reach for the stars and fall to the moon. When you think big, you’re exercising your brain-power to its full potential to come up with solutions, even when you fail, you’ve succeeded in knowing one way not to go about it and most importantly even when everything around you is telling you it is impossible, don’t stop dreaming. We all have only one life to live. Its highly likely that we might not have another chance to take up those wonderful opportunities we keep on dismissing from our mind

In the words of Noel Gallagher. If you want to be a Spaceman, it’s still not too late

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