Fact or Fiction?
The power of positive thinking is it a cliché, and do we attach a stereotype to the type of individual who swears by it? I was recently asked “Do I actually believe in that shite?” my answer was absolutely. Sure even if it was all complete bullshit how much of a hassle is it to keep our minds ticking over in that direction. What I’ve become more interested in is the power of positive thinking on a collective basis. Can a positive thought from the masses effect change? Have you ever felt the energy at a concert? Or at a football stadium in the last 5 mins when your team needs a goal or two? I’m always blown away by the lift a crowd can give a team.
What holds this area back is a true lack of understanding of how the mind works, we immediately dismiss something that we can’t quantify. Its human nature to be sceptical of things that might actually blow our minds. When you delve into reading about positive change what is very apparent is that the untapped potential of the sub conscious is truly shocking. We have barely scratched the surface of our mental and spiritual capabilities. This might sound like hocus pocus but if you look back through generations, each generations breakthrough gets shown to be false because of something new that we have learned, does this show us the more we learn the less we realise we know?
What if “mind over matter” wasn’t just some New Age self-help mantra? Wouldn’t it be a powerful idea if the focused thought of many could affect literally anything we do? From affecting how successful we are, to controlling our health? Some alternative practices have helped in curing cancers with none of the toxicity or cost. Once again even if it’s not what you believe in would it hurt to try something that compliments modern techniques in these areas? Is it possible that our thoughts are actually able to interact with the physical world? I’m sure any Man Utd fan in Barcelona in ’99 would agree, or Liverpool fans in Istanbul in ’05. Maybe these occasions were down to hard work and repetition, but go and ask anyone who witnessed those events first hand how they felt at the time and you can be sure it was something akin to divine intervention.
So how do we go about getting to this place of Nirvana? Well my honest answer is I don’t have a clue, but I have made it my intention to find out. Intention is a learned skill, something similar to meditation. If you can harness the power of intention then you are moving in the right direction to discovering the true power of thought. It sounds difficult to try and access what is available beyond our normal senses. We can take this one step further by not just doing it for ourselves. I’m no different in that I want to be successful and wealthy, but I’d like to get there by helping people along the way. Like a school of fish moving in one direction you might be able to help a larger group or organisation move in a better direction.
A lot of people associate positive energy with a spiritual term, while it maybe this, it is also something we use on a daily basis to fuel our activities. What you do, day in day out can have a real impact on everything and everyone around you. We can all contribute to the physical world moving in a specific direction. This positive energy is available to us on tap, there is an infinite supply and it is there for whenever we choose to access it.
On that note I’ll leave you with this
“All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become.” ~Buddha