Take The Good With The Bad

Take The Good With The Bad

Everything in the world has an opposite, its the natural two sidedness of life. Our Yin and Yang.

Examples of this are everyhere to be seen, all our around you in every facet of your daily life. Male/Female, Mother/father, Son/Daughter, Night/day, Wet/Dry and so on. I think you get the idea. Even the planet itself is broken into North and South, Winter and Summer. Its just a fact of our existence, and we cant change it.

The reality is opposites are not really opposites, they are the two sides of the same thing. Take for example Health and Sickness. These are the two sides of our physical self. You can’t have one with out the other. It just depends which part of this cylce we are at, like an electrical current we are either in a postive or a negative state.

What we need to do is learn is to accept these states. Deal with what is thrown at us and figure out what is the best way to move forward, we learn so much about ourselves in adversity. In the words of Rocky Balboa “it ain’t about how hard you hit; it’s about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done. Some of the most inspiring moments in sport come from positions of an apparent no way back or a no win situation. Im sure you have your own version of this story. Without setbacks they’re no comebacks

Managing our mental and physical state when life is not going well for us is the key. When you are sick, you need to accept being sick. People crawl out of bed and head to work, the gym or whatever they think needs to be done instead of accepting that your body is telling you to stop. Some people push to save relationships when letting it go is the right option.
Staying in a job that makes you unhappy, not taking a different career path because you are afraid

Our best friend in all of these situations is our intuition or our gut feeling. When everyone else is telling you what might be right for you, its now that you really need to trust yourself to make the right decision.
A situation might look beyond all hope but something inside you is telling you no you can turn this around even when everything on the outside is saying stop.

All the inspirational people in the world wouldnt be who they are if they didnt back themselves in the face of adversity.
What you need to do is to learn when to push on and when to learn to take stock and come back to fight another day.

You have to accept something life will be full throttle and other times you will just plain be out of gas