What is the cost of Inaction?

What is the cost of Inaction?

Last week I was planning a trip from Sydney to Ireland. With a healthy build-up of air miles I decided I would make the journey a lot less arduous by upgrading one of the legs to the pointy end of the plane. Anyone that has had the joy of this upgrade will understand how much easier it makes the task of leaving ones family. Having done this in past I knew that there was 3 levels of upgrade. The one that was currently available was going to eat the bulk of my miles. So I decided to wait for the lower level to become free with one eye on the next trip I would make home. One week later the upgrade is out of my reach and its back to the rigid upright seat for a 24 hour journey.

That experience is fairly superficial to some of the life changing decisions people need to make on a daily basis. I also felt it had a bigger picture with a direct effect on my business. What exactly is the cost of inaction? JFK famously once said “There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction” As a life coach I am fully aware that it is not a cheap solution to help people with the choices that they face. I pay for a coaching session on a fortnightly basis and it is a lot more than what I charge. I queried my coach on the difference between our fees. His response was if you think my fees are expensive why don’t you try hiring someone cheaper and see what it costs you in the long run.

It was my choice to do it on a fortnightly basis, he actually recommend once a month after the first 4 sessions. The value I have gotten in terms of my business has been invaluable, you just can’t put a price on it. I too have faced the question about the cost of my services and when I check around I feel for what I provide it is quite a bargain. What people need to bear in mind when contemplating using a coach is what the long term value of investing in yourself is? For many people around the age of 30 life changing decisions are put in front of them. For some people it is natural to want professional help with these choices. Everyday people are faced with ways to invest in themselves

It could be as simple as working on your appearance from a professional point of view. Others will look at therapy or coaching. A lot of the work I do is around career moves or changes. Clients talk a lot about wanting to go back into Education. Many people don’t realise their deeper passion until later in life, if you return to school with that burning passion in your gut, you’ll be in a much better position to get through school successfully. Nothing can have a more positive effect on all those areas than investing in helping with your outlook, a positive outlook on life will pay enormous dividends for you. Few people take the time to sit down and consider themselves an investment.
No matter what is going on in your career, relationships or financial life, the person looking at you in the mirror has the the ability to get greater returns in every area of your life.

You are your greatest asset